Having a stroke is a life-changing event that can happen to anyone, anytime. Knowing the warning signs could save a life—maybe even your own.
Here’s what to look for with the FAST acronym:
🔹 F – Face Drooping: Is one side of the face numb or drooping? Ask them to smile.
🔹 A – Arm Weakness: Is one arm weak or numb? Ask them to raise both arms—does one drift downward?
🔹 S – Speech Difficulty: Is their speech slurred or hard to understand? Ask them to repeat a simple sentence.
🔹 T – Time to Call 911: If you notice any of these signs, act immediately!
Strokes are a medical emergency, and every second counts. Immediate treatment can minimize brain damage and improve recovery outcomes.
If you’ve had a stroke or know someone who has, you understand how important early intervention is. Share this to spread awareness—it could save a life. ❤️
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